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Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
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Phone: 916-853-8010
Fax:     916-853-8020


Useful Links and Documents

Published Articles by Dr. Blayne Hartman

September 2006 - LUSTLine #53  NEW!
How to Collect Reliable Soil-Gas Data for Risk-Based Applications
- Specifically Vapor Intrusion
.pdf version
Synopsis: Part 4: Updates on Soil Gas Collection and Analytical Procedures

November 2004 - LUSTLine #48
How to Collect Reliable Soil-Gas Data for Risk-Based Applications
- Specifically Vapor Intrusion
.pdf version
Synopsis: Part 3: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

August 2003 - LUSTLine #44
How to Collect Reliable Soil-Gas Data for Upward Risk Assessments .pdf version
Synopsis: Part 2: Surface Flux-Chamber Method

October 2002 - LUSTLine #42
How to Collect Reliable Soil Vapor Data for Risk Based Applications .pdf version
Synopsis: Part 1: Active Soil-Gas Method

June 2002 - LUSTLine #41
Reevaluating the Upward Vapor Migration Risk Pathway .pdf version
Synopsis: An Updated Article on Upward Vapor Migration & a recommended sampling protocol.

Determining Risk Based Remediation Requirements Using
Rapid Flux Chamber Technology
.pdf version (1.5MB)
by Blayne Hartman, William Frez, James Tolbert & Travis Kline

June 1999 - LUSTLine #32
Some Enlightenment on Density .pdf version
Synopsis: A Review of the physical property: Density, including Vapor Density and Vapor Clouds.

March 1999 - LUSTLine #31
Which Compound Requires More Attorneys: MTBE or Benzene .pdf version
Synopsis: A Review of the physical property: Solubility, including a discussion on bio-attenuation of MTBE.

September 1998 - LUSTLine #30
The Great Escape (from the UST) .pdf version
Synopsis: A Review of the physical property: Vapor Pressure, including a discussion on the potential contamination of groundwater from leaking UST vapors.

September 1998 - LUSTLine #30
A Layman's Guide to the New EPA Methods for VOC Analysis .pdf version
Synopsis: A Review of EPA Method 5035.

June 1998 - LUSTLine #29
Oh Henry (A Review of Henry's Law) .pdf version

February 1998 - LUSTLine #28
To Methanol Preserve or Not to Methanol Preserve .pdf version

February 1998 - LUSTLine #28
The Downward Migration of Vapors .pdf version
Synopsis: A Discussion of the potential risk to groundwater due to the downward migration of vapors, with a summary table.

November 1997 - LUSTLine #27
Upward Migration of Vapors .pdf version
Synopsis: A Summary of the risk due to upward vapor migration, including a recommended sampling protocol.

July 1997 - LUSTLine #26
MTBE: Beware of the False Positive .pdf version

For more information on LUSTLine, go to the LUSTLine web site.








Other Useful Links

CA-EPA (DTSC) Soil Vapor Collection Guidance

EPA's Indoor Air Vapor Intrusion Seminar Draft Guidance

CAL- EPA (DTSC) Vapor Intrusion Guidance